Best PracticesBlog PostsSecurityUse of Force

From Verbal to Deadly Force: The Different Levels of the Use of Force Continuum

As a security professional, it is essential to understand the different levels of force that are available to you in a given situation. The use of force continuum is a model that helps to guide the appropriate level of force necessary to resolve a particular situation. There are several levels of force on the continuum, ranging from verbal to deadly force. In this blog post, we will discuss the different levels of force in the use of force continuum and how to determine the appropriate level of force to use in a given situation.

The first level of force on the continuum is verbal commands. This involves using voice commands to de-escalate a situation or gain compliance from a subject. Verbal commands can be used in various situations, from dealing with an uncooperative employee to handling a suspect who is not cooperating with law enforcement.

The second level of force is physical force. Physical force is any physical action that is taken to gain control of a situation or subject. Physical force can range from a simple restraint to more aggressive actions such as strikes, punches, and kicks. The use of physical force is often necessary when verbal commands are not enough to gain control of a situation.

The third level of force is less-lethal force. Less-lethal force includes non-deadly weapons such as pepper spray, batons, tasers, and rubber bullets. These tools are designed to incapacitate a subject without causing death or serious injury. The use of less-lethal force is appropriate when physical force is not enough to gain control of a situation, but deadly force is not yet warranted.

The fourth level of force is deadly force. Deadly force involves the use of lethal weapons such as firearms. The use of deadly force is only appropriate when there is an imminent threat of death or serious bodily harm to oneself or others. Deadly force should be used as a last resort and only when all other levels of force have failed or are insufficient.

It is essential to understand that the use of force continuum is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Every situation is unique, and the appropriate level of force will depend on the circumstances. Factors such as the subject’s behavior, the environment, and the presence of innocent bystanders will all play a role in determining the appropriate level of force.

Training is critical to ensure that security professionals can properly navigate the different levels of force in the continuum. Security personnel should receive regular training to reinforce their understanding of the different levels of force and how to apply them in different situations. Training should also include scenarios that help security professionals identify when a situation may require the use of force and what level of force is appropriate.

It is also important to understand the legal implications of using force. Security personnel should be aware of the laws and regulations that govern the use of force in their jurisdiction. Using force outside of the legal framework can have serious consequences for both the security professional and the organization they represent.

In addition to legal considerations, using force can also have a significant psychological impact on the security professional. It is essential to provide resources and support for security personnel who have used force in the line of duty. This can include access to counseling or peer support groups.

It is also important to have clear policies and procedures in place regarding the use of force. Security personnel should have a clear understanding of when the use of force is appropriate and what level of force is allowed. These policies should also outline the reporting and documentation requirements following an incident where force was used.

Finally, it is essential to regularly review and update the policies and procedures regarding the use of force. The use of force continuum is not a static model, and changes in laws, regulations, and societal norms may require updates to the policies and procedures.

Understanding the Use of Force Continuum is essential for security professionals to ensure they use appropriate levels of force in different situations. The continuum provides a clear guideline for the appropriate use of force, with each level building upon the previous one. The lowest level, verbal commands, is the preferred option in most situations, followed by physical restraint, less-lethal force, and deadly force only as a last resort. It is crucial for officers to receive proper training on the Use of Force Continuum and to understand their agency’s policies and procedures regarding the use of force. By following the continuum and using force only when necessary and justifiable, security professionals can maintain safety and uphold their responsibility to protect individuals and property.

Texas Liberty Coalition

Author Texas Liberty Coalition

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